15 April

Parent’s Orientation

Parents gathered at the school for an informative session encompassing past and upcoming academic endeavors. The occasion marked the introduction of the newest member of our leadership team: our new …

15 April

Vocabulary Tree: Cultivating Linguistic Growth

As the world progresses toward automation and digitalization, the students of Aditya Vidyasram Chennai have made a unique step towards artificial intelligence. Our pupils created the vocabulary tree independently as …

15 April

Ramzan Celebration

India is a secular nation and believers of all religious and atheists have a place in this country. We celebrated Ramzan by remarking the importance of Holy book Quran which …

08 April

New Academic Session

“On this first day of school, show the world your brightness and beauty” Every day is a new beginning, and today our Chennai Adiyans embark on a unique new journey. …

19 March

A Massive Talkathon

Give her pain She will turn into power. Give her Chaos She will turn into Peace. She is the Shining star of eternity.These were the magical words with which Lakshya …