Aditya Vidyashram is proud to present Vriddhi – an exciting initiative designed to take learning to the next level! With Vriddhi, we aim to provide a perfect blend of education and entertainment, ensuring that every student experiences a journey of growth that is not only enriching but also filled with fun.
Women’s Day Celebration – Our school celebrated Women’s Day with great enthusiasm, honouring the invaluable contributions of women in society.
The school proudly recognised the achievements of students who participated in various national and international competitive exams, including Olympiads and SpellBee. Our beloved principal, Smt. Radhika R, awarded the winners …
Our school celebrated National Science Day with enthusiasm, where students from grades 1 to 8 showcased their scientific spirit through innovative projects and charts on topics like disaster management, safety, hydroponics, circuits, phases of the moon, and adaptations of plants and animals. They also spoke about current space ventures and recently launched satellites, diving deep into the world of science. The event nurtured mini-scientists, providing them a platform to share knowledge creatively while exploring new ideas. It was a day of learning, discovery, and inspiration!
Our school observed Quiet Day on February 25, embracing the power of silence. Students expressed themselves through gestures, while teachers conducted lessons without words, relying solely on non-verbal communication.
The school celebrated Taj Mahotsav, an annual 10-day cultural festival held in Agra near the Taj Mahal, with great enthusiasm, bringing history to life for the students in the school’s campus.
The school held a proud moment of recognition as our principal, Smt. Radhika R., awarded prizes to the karate champions. The intermediate-level students, who have earned the prestigious green belt, …
உலகத் தாய்மொழி நாளான இன்று மிகவும் தொன்மையான மொழி ஆகிய தமிழ் மொழியைப் போற்றும் வகையில் மாணவர்கள் தாய் மொழியாகிய தமிழ் மொழியை எதிர்காலத்திலும் மறவாமல், அனைத்து துறைகளிலும் புகுத்தி தமிழ்மொழியை வளர்ப்போம் என்று எம் பள்ளி முதல்வர் முன்னிலையில் மாணவர்கள் …
கொத்தடிமைத் தொழிலாளர் முறை ஒழிப்பு உறுதிமொழி தமிழ் நாட்டை கொத்தடிமை இல்லாத மாநிலமாக மாற்ற வேண்டும் என்ற வகையில் மாணவர்களுக்கு இந்திய அரசியலமைப்பு சட்டத்தின் படி தொழிலாளர்களை வணிகப் பொருளாகக் கருதக்கூடாது என்றும் , தொழிலாளர்களை அதிக நேரம் வேலை வாங்க …
Bagless Day at School –
Grades 1 to 8 enjoyed a fun-filled Bagless Day packed with engaging activities.